Sunday, April 16, 2017

Queen Tanya wearing nothing but a smile...1994

Before digital, I had only 36 frames per roll of film.

After shooting most of the roll and getting Tanya out of the black bra and panties along the way, she said;

"Marcus, when you are finished with dis camera, you will have to fuck me!"

Well, as a rule, "I don't kiss and tell" but what else is a gentleman to do?

Such were memories made on my houseboat in the Atchafalaya Basin circa 1994

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Da Mus Rat Joke!

This has been scientifically proven: The best way to get an attractive womans attention is to 'ignore' her.

,Soooo, you keep dis up, an Ahhhhh will have to unfren you on facebook!

In fact, why wait?

Let me share sumting rat here, rat now, before I have to unfren you!

One cole rainy nite in Novembur, Boudreaux and Marie wuz goin to visit da inlaws in Peecawn Eyeland when Boudreaux run over sumtin in da road.

He back up and put da lites on it and got out to see what it wuz.

He come back wit sumtin in his hand and said; "Look Marie, I ran over a momma musrat and she had sum babies and I caught one!"

She said; "Awwww Boudreaux, he is so cute, can we take him home for be our pet?"

He said; "Sure." an he handed it to hur. As dey went on dere way she said; "Boudreaux, he is all cole and wet and shiverin like dat. What can we do for him to warm him up?"

To which he replied; "Jus put him between your legs Marie." " But Boudreaux!" she protested; "It stink!"

And... his reply: "Jus pinch his lil' nose."