Sunday, January 15, 2012

Men Do Not Listen


I am Marcus de la Houssaye, and I own and operate de la Houssaye's Louisiana Swamp Tours near Lafayette, Louisiana.

Being in an international swamp tour business at Lake Martin, I have had the good fortune of meeting men and women from all over the world.

I chose the title to this post because that is what I have heard from women again and again.

Now, is that wrong for us to be that way? Maybe not, if that is how we are wired genetically, but none the less, it drives women crazy!

I learned this first from interviewing women, and I heard it again and again, after asking them why don't you tell that to the men? And the reply was almost universal: "Because they don't listen!"

Now armed with this "concept" I went out and tested my men friends. And the result was: men aren't listening to me either!

So women...if you think men aren't listening because you are "just" a woman, don't take it personal, they don't listen to men or women!

Maybe we are in our nothing box, where we escape from the world periodically, or whatever, but it appears that's just how we are, so don't try to "fix" us. We are not broken. To better understand the "nothing box" and get a good laugh, refer to the Youtube video at the end of this post.

Now, time and again I have heard men claim that "they" were the ones holding the relationship together, and then when it falls apart, they want to blame the woman for the breakup or problem in the end.

Come on guys, if you had it together to start with, she would still be there.

I will most likely edit a few more cartoons here later, but for now, I need to go climb a tree! Seriously, here is the view from my nothing box this time of year...

In about one hour, I will be in a tree stand 30' off the ground.

Mark Gungor explains the difference between the male and the female brain...

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